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Problems within the group.  

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13/12/2018 7:24 am  
Hi Family,
As most of you know my goal was to try and make this group as close to a real NA group as we can get it. Once again as you all know we have been dealing with issues from within our trusted servants. Robert closed the network down because of this and I have requested that all this BS would stop. I dont want to point fingers and I am not going to mention any names in here. I do how ever have to say that almost everyday I have been getting complaints from curtain ppl from our channel. Some are just members joining in the room others are trusted servants. In any case the names that keep being mentioned are the same ones. These ppl should know who they are and should be more aware that they should NOT be doing this in the room. Also I know as a group there is always going to be curtain conflicts. This is normal but you dont have the right to argue, harass, PM, or threaten any other member in the room. Newcomers have come to me and stated they went out and used because of these things happening. Anything that is discussed between 2 addict should and always remain between the 2. It should not become public and it should not be used as a weapon to make someone look bad. We are all adults looking for the same things. This is not healthy recovery and it makes us look really bad. How can you expect to help anyone when what you are trying to share you are not practicing? When in channel or in fact when you first log on to the network all the negative comments and attitudes should stay out. You would not do this at a real meeting or in a real group setting so why do you bring it here? I stepped up when the site was closed and opened this site. I did not want this and really didnt have the time to build/maintain/run or be a babysitter. I left IRC awhile back for this same reason. I have a life outside this network and I can not deal with the drama in side the group while trying to build this site and also deal with real life issues. This will not continue the way it is we will not be able to help anyone if they see this happening everyday. I truly believe in my heart that this can open the door to newcomers looking for help and can save lives. I dont want to walk away from this project but still I can not and wont deal with  it anymore. That being said and I do believe that this choice should not only come down to me or one person being able to control everything. So I am giving the group a choice. My life is about to change for the better and the next few months I WILL NOT BE ABLE to do much for this network. In fact I may even lose internet for a few weeks while in the process of this change. So the choice is this. Do you want the channel to remain OPEN or do you want me to CLOSE it down? If you want it to remain OPEN then we need to find a common ground and we all need to get on the same page and find some kind of unity within the group. The choice is yours. I am done playing and I am not willing to risk my recovery over this anymore. Reply to this, comment with any ideas on how to fix. That is all for now. Thank you for reading and please have a wonderful day {{{ HuGGz }}}  

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13/12/2018 8:47 am  
I can no longer op or own on a site that is full of poison. I recognize the value of the site and I respect Stan's efforts to make it adhere to traditions. I thank him and Jim for the hundreds of hours of work they have put in and wish them well in their endeavors. However, I have a life and I do not have time to babysit people who are not on board with helping the newcomer and see this as heir own private playground. 
I an not going to participate any further in this discussion because I have had quite enough of the clique that is ruining this site taking my inventory and being abusive to all the ops. I would suggest they take their own inventories and stop taking that of the ops. Our job is to share our experience, strength and hope. 
Also steps are something private between a sponsor and sponsee. I don't think it's useful for newcomers to hear all about somone's forth step.
References to a Christian God and Jesus do not belong here. The Basic Text makes it clear that "God" is not a reference to any specific god, rather a convenient word used to indicate a higher power. Constant references to God and Jesus are turning away newcomers.
Wishing you all the best in your recoveries.

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13/12/2018 10:06 am  
I'm willing to step in as a far as technical part for the site and IRC chat is needed. The show must go on and just because of a few, EVERYONE needs to suffer being without ANY support. This site without a chat is meaningless. It's my honest opininon that 1 person should not have the power to DECIDE to close the chat for everyone because of a few mistakes by whomever.
I can't understand it.
This (actually the room before this) was my only support that I could daily have. Not everyone is so lucky they have a meeting place round their corner. I was thankful for the chat. Now it's gone.
I'm as said willing to step in instead of the person who chose to shut the chat down.
Sincerely, Nino

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13/12/2018 10:15 am  
I concur.  You should Not risk your recovery ! Because it is Not worth it. 
There should be alternates to help with the network if not, close it down. And those who help with the network should be excluded from complaints !
{{{ HuGGz }}}

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13/12/2018 10:59 am  

I think an alternation of trusted servants is needed in order to change the problems from the previous room. It is clearly still continuing.  Focus needs to be on newcomers. I got clean after being signposted to na from the old site in 2016. Dont know how helpful this is. But a suggestion.

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13/12/2018 11:43 am  
Trent G. Here, I really like this site and find it really helpful, I'm not very aware of the problems and dont wanna be apart of,  I AM POSSIBLY MOVING TO A REMOTE AREA OF ALBERTA for, with only 2 meetings or AA,  the closest is 40minute drive one way.  So I kinda feel I feel I need this site.  Newcomers need all the message they can get.
With that said I am aware of internal struggles regular groups have,  and it hurts to watch spiritual principles ho out the window so to speak especially people who know better or should.
Trusted servants should be asked to step down or aside if controversial and most would understand or accept it.
Unruly, preditorial , violent, or otherwise plan shit disturbing people should be warned, banned temporarily,  banned permanently.
This is only my opinion.
Thank you for asking, I shall pray this works out.
I love everyone, and don't wanna lose my friends here, however I  will accept what decisions are chosen.
Trent G

paul liked
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13/12/2018 1:45 pm  
This room is created in the spirit of service to the still suffering addict.  A HOTLINE for addicts seeking help by using a search engine on the Internet.
MODERATORS are needed to keep the discussion based on recovery, so the attraction is there for newcomers to find recovery.  
If and when the topics stray, the discussion should be redirected to recovery.  If members (NEW or OLD) cannot keep the topic on recovery, the newcomer is at risk.
If a MODERATOR cannot shift the direction of the discussion, a Trusted Servant should handle the person or persons who are off recovery.
The BASIS of what is recovery related should go by NA standards, as well as abusive, or degrading comments.
A minimum clean-time requirement should be place on those with room rights (ops)  i suggest 5 years minimum clean-time.
I have been appalled at some of the behaviors within this room.  It is a privilege for this site to be available, and not a RIGHT of those who enter for it to exist.
There is NO GROUP POLICY written at this time, so there are not standards for positions within the service structure documented.
Therefore, at this time, this is not an "organized group", nor can any "elections" of servants be anything other than a popularity contest.
The track record of those within the room is quite apparent.  When some individuals are within the room, the discussions, information, and following up with newcomers declines.  Misinformation from misinformed people is aired, and this risks the chances of newcomers getting a clear na message.
Once again a clique is threatening a new and valuable resource... NA hotline access for those suffering.
IF this room is for entertainment, take it somewhere else.  
My participation here is to spread what has been so freely given to me.  I hate that a selfish few can take it down.

JessT liked
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13/12/2018 3:11 pm  
Also, there is no place on the site for racist/sexist/ethnic/sexist jokes or comments.
Long, self-aggrandizint, self-centered posts are not useful to the newcomer.
All of the above do not make for an attractive, welcoming site for the newcomer

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13/12/2018 4:17 pm  
why can't I read what others have replied?

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13/12/2018 5:53 pm  
It is unfortunate, Stan, that we don't have enough technically savvy people to help you, if we had 2 or 3, the load would be lightened.
I will post my opinion, and opinions are just that, so not sure how helpful it is, but I came to the room in 2014, received alot of support, and stayed clean. I was aware, even then, that not everyone of the trusted servants got along, but they were able to keep it out of main chat and I am not sure many people ever knew, the room kept running for its primary purpose, to greet newcomers and try to get them to local meetings, as THAT IS RECOVERY. This is not NA, this is a 24/7 chatroom on the internet, that attracts people who think they may have a problem with drugs. At that point, the theme of the room should be recovery suggestions. I have seen the room change in this manner, to a social site, which in no way is wrong, but its not the primary purpose. NA traditions are wonderful, for NA , but this isnt a meeting, its the internet, chat room, and there have to be rules. When people are unable to adhere to the rules, they shouldnt have the privilige of joining. It will never be 100% perfect here, but I haven't seen anything like the toxic environment this room has become, and for that, I am sad.
So, if the room is here, great, if it isn't, I can go on. Since I can't really help with the technical side, then I don't really think I get a vote. I hope those that have volunteered thier time and money to keep the room running so far know how much they are appreciated. 😐 

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13/12/2018 6:50 pm  
When will the chat be reopened. There are lives at risk. Let's all work together to carry the message that was carried to me. Theres ppl suffering out there and we need our doors open. Thanks all for the hard work. We need to work together on this and focus on the primary purpose and right now that isnt happening. Hugz 

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13/12/2018 10:55 pm  
the way i read this is not "we need to get on the same page" it reads we need to get on Stans page. there was no real problem with the group. The problem is ego's  easing god out. Stan u say that you dont want to wield power but your actions are exactly that. you need to look at your true motivation because rite now newcomers and addicts alike are deprived of a forum because of one individual.. This site should rename itself without riding on the back of NA.. if you read the 12 concepts of service it may help you. however you will probably take offence at this post and ban the writer and that my friend is where this site has always been at fault it is sycophantic in nature . i suggest let go and let god. LOL then i read that post awaits moderation.. i rest my case.. is it na or na as stan sees it.
This post was modified 2 months ago by paul

misterpickles and rebb liked
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14/12/2018 12:17 am  
u need to read the 12 concepts of service.. u sound like " as Betsy sees it" the term "owner" is an anathema and contradicts everything NA stands for

misterpickles and rebb liked
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14/12/2018 6:36 am  
agreed on everything Paul said.
"She said, "Hey Paul, hey Paul, hey Paul 
Let's have a ball " - The Pixies - Gigantic
You Sir, are Gigantic!

Member Admin
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14/12/2018 6:43 am  
Just want everyone to know. I was NOT the only one to suggest shutting the chat part down for a few days. However I was the one who made the final choice. I didnt want to but come on we are adults in recovery and acting like high school kids or younger. But whatever in the past now and the site is now back up. Happy recovery ppl {{{{ HuGGz }}}}

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