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One Addict Helping Another..


Beings that we have a little boy who has nothing better to do then spread lies,
manipulate everyone, cuase much drama, post half truths, there are 2 sides to
every story. I am not going to sit here calling people by name like someone else
would. This BS has to stop this is for recovery and so far by the way this person
acts you would think he is in active addiction and has no right running a recovery
site let alone talk about other addicts and thier recovery. Those of you who have
been around know the true truth and know that this was not cuased by this site.
You all also know the only reason why I opened this site was by your request becuase
the site you was at was forcefully shut down by 1 little boy. This person has cuased
more hell over the years then I can count and yet you all stabbed me in my back and
listen to this person and the lies he has to tell. You all know I have done nothing
wrong and only wanted the best for the new comers and all addicts. A safe place to chat
about recovery and make friends. WOW and all I got was the abuse of this person.
He states we are abusing him.. WOW that couldnt be further from the true. He has
many people that can do the things he states. He tries to make everything look legit
on his part and he does nothing wrong. We all know the truth about that. Anyway I find
it hard to beleive that all of you know what he does but yet you still want to be
part of it. INSANITY..Keep repeating the same things excepting diffrent results.
That is how I see this. You decide it is your recovery not mine and I dont care about
this person anymore. He is going to keep this BS up till everyone can stand up to him.
You decide on what you want. Thats all I have to say. Good luck in your recovery.
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