NACHATROOM.NET - Online NA Chat and Meetings, Narcotics Anonymous Chatroom

A collection of Suicide Notes from the "Narcotics Anonymous" Chatroom

"History is littered with hundreds of conflicts over the future of a community, group, location or business that were "resolved" when one of the parties stepped ahead and destroyed what was there. With the original point of contention destroyed, the debates would fall to the wayside. " -- Archive Team

From on Feb 17 2019

Only one out of five people are still in NA after One Year

If a half million people pick up a Welcome keytag in a given year, about 200,000 pick up a 30, 60, and 90 day coin.

The attrition rate is about 50% at 6 and 12 months.

You'll have about 50,000 left at month 18.

And then, of these 500,000 new members: 25,000 make it to 24 months (2 years).

These are the 25,000 people stepping over all of the dead bodies and saying "well it works for ME, the other 475,000 people are WRONG."

In 2018, you were statistically more likely to acquire a sexually transmitted disease in NA than you were to get or stay sober.

Not only is NA not "the only thing that works," it's not even really "a thing that works at all." The other 475,000 people aren't told they have other options. They just "took their will back from god," they didn't work the infallable "steps" hard enough. "shun the nonbeliever!" NA's chip stats puts it around 5-10%which is pretty close to what it has been pegged at by the Orange Papers estimates (and author Lance Dodes in "The Sober Truth: Debunking the Bad Science Behind 12-step Programs and the Rehab Industry.")

475,000 out of 500,000 people would rather get high or "go it alone" or look elsewhere than return to NA in any given year.

Source: their Annual Reports

The statistics are even more abysmal in NA Chat: We used to get 100,000+ page views a year. Of these, "only" about 10,000 entered chat in a given year. While some may have been springboarded to a face to face or online meeting of NA elsewhere, most of them decided "NA" wasn't for them and never returned.

There is nothing "wrong" with you. Finding "NA" to be unhelpful, unsafe, triggering, toxic, or downright frightening is the "norm" for millions of people.

Please visit the resources page for a list of other recovery groups and chatrooms , NA is not your only option.

This site has hosted a mirror of the Orange Papers since 2016 and I have traffic stats proving that for every person who came into "NA Chat" on a search engine, I had another FIVE people coming into the Orange Papers from a search engine looking for help GETTING OUT of one of these programs.

After 16 years in NA, I only ever got and stayed clean multiple years after I slammed the door on "NA", "NACHAT," and everybody in it.

We'll get into some details about why so many people would rather die or get high than ever attend an "NA" meeting in real life after their experience on "NACHAT.NET" - and quite frankly, on NACHATROOM.ORG for that matter. We tried our best to "get rid" of abusive staff members and trolls. They played the long game and stole our domain names and copied our "bot" and our webpage for themselves. But as they said "theres two sides to every story" so I'll just go ahead and post all of the public closure notices from both "sides" and let you think whatever you're going to think about them. It's how it played out. The people who had been terrorizing me since December 25, 2011 came over to "my" site and demanded to be moderators. When I said "no" they launched a "competing" website, started their meetings on May 20th (2017 I think?), and began spreading rumors that I was "chairing meetings high" and to come to theirs instead, that very same day. I unfortunately was not aware that they had done the exact same thing to the people running the NABCG and NARECOVERYCHAT going all the way back to the 1990s and early 2000s. I was already three years into "running" this website and I never would haved done it if I knew what they had been doing to every single "na chatroom" that posed a "competitive threat" to Stan and Janis. Thats why everyone needs to know what happened. Because "yes they would. yes they did. and yes they will do it again."

Tit for Tat, "your grandma and my grandma sitting by the fire." They threatened to beat me, murder me, sue me and incarcerate me. I incured $800 monthly bills from the "DDOS" flooding attacks. After they published my parents address thats when I lost my marbles and I "doxxed" them too. I am still a nervous shattered wreck six years later. I am still being laughed at by social workers and providers who tell me I'm crazy and "no one would ever do that" and I "have to go back to the meetings or I'll use again." Everyone sucks here.

Once you're done here, go look at their pithy platitudes about "love hope and healing" and how they (supposedly) have "multiple years of recovery." and you will see NACHAT.NET the same way the rest of their banned, silenced, ostracized and shunned victims do: That group is, and always was, a love bombing hunk of SHIT covered in whipped cream and a cherry.

NAWS has probably received thousands of complaints about the "NA Chatroom" over the years. It's time for NAWS to recognize that this has been taken, or mistaken, for the conduct and safety and reputation of NA itself. If the shoe fits, then wear it.

There are a lot of people over at the Orange Papers discussion groups (and over on who believe that NA and similar groups harm, injure, or kill about as many people as they supposedly "help." Every once in awhile, NA even agrees with them:

NA is worse than "ineffective," it is actively harmful. The "Mitosis of Narcotics Anonymous" dictates that NA isn't responsible for groups that harm, injure, terrorize, or kill their members while luring people in with NA's name, image, trademarks, and "unblemished" public reputation. The 13th Step Documentary goes into this in some more detail.

(every "moderator" in NACHAT who publicly or privately attacked me for "not having recovery" or "not being clean" -- and even publicly accused me of this on THEIR front page under the NA name and logo - was high, drunk, and or on pills and that is a FACT.)

NACHAT.NET closed itself down because they were selling drugs, cybersexing newcomers, and harassing/terrorizing people. They hack, troll, DDOS, subvert, and threaten "competing" rooms into oblivion. They have been doing that for over twenty years and don't deserve "another chance." If one in five people make it to a year in NA, I would estimate that one in 1,000 make it to a year in the "NA Chatroom." The "NA Chat Network" at NACHAT.NET has consistently proven itself to be a better place to find drugs than it ever was to find "recovery".

If one in one thousand were "helped," I have no doubt that HUNDREDS were HARMED by "NA Chat." We frequently told ourselves "well, if it even helps one person..." .. well, what if it hurts a hundred? Oh I can answer that one! They laugh and do whatever they can to hurt you even more than they already have.

... if only NA had ever covered this situation in the manual, oh. wait... (bulletin #30) .. and the problem with the way they "used the steps to work through this" was that they "apologized," offered "a truce," tried to "merge" and then once placed back in a position of "trust" 1. stole my domains and tried to sell them back to me, or 2. got into my infrastructure and locked me out of my own equipment. They had their chance to work this through with their twisted and perverted interpretation of the "steps" or "amends" . they played their hand and used it to manipulate and steal. thats just what con artists do. 92 priors for embezzlement telling everyone im a "criminal" and a "hacker" who "belongs in prison." so when you come to me hat in hand pleading for "amends" , your amend is to go fuck yourself and never bother me again.

At some point some of you may want to consider that YOU (or well, Stan at least) REPEATEDLY made the decision to "close the site" -- ALL OF YOUR SITES. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM FAILED FOR THE SAME REASON -- and that the suggestion to rename it to "something other than NA" actually came from YOU. The only thing that ever seems to stop you people from lying about everything that happened here, is posting the receipts for the whole class to see.